
Should be well versed in all forms of dance & have an understanding of what it takes to train children. Judges should also be capable of criticizing constructively in a non-derogatory and inspirational manner.

Sound Engineer

Must be knowledgeable about audio equipment, have a clear speaking voice and be full of energy.


Must have clear speaking voice and enjoy interacting with people of all ages.

Videographers & Photographers

Must be knowledgeable about equipment and be capable of shooting cleanly & artistically in a “live” theater setting.


Outgoing personality! Must have organizational skills, a pleasant demeanor, be able to multi task and deal with the public. Proficiency in MAC and/or PC are a plus for our Video & Photography Departments.

Contact us here, or at office@legacydancechampionships.com, or by phone at: 631-319-1600.